One of the many gems of living in Halifax is that when searching for upcoming festivals “Yoga Fest” is not out of the question. I expected to sign up for a night of music and drinks and ended up with tickets to hang out with yogis in the BMO Soccer Centre?
P.s for those worried I will be going back for the music tickets (balance is key).
I feel like I should be honest here and let you all know that growing up I was the class clown of yoga classes. I had a routine of sitting in the back, giggling while half upside down in the downwards dog position, and taking very little seriously (until the meditation at the end of class would roll around). Since then, I have grown to appreciate yoga. I will admit this started due to the fact that I often feel 10 years older than my age due to minimal stretching, but its grown to be a great outlet from life stresses since. The benefits of yoga are endless! Some being: improved sleep, stress reduction, balance, and an overall focus on both body and mind. It also happens to be the only form of physical activity that allows me to doze off a bit at the end without consequence.
Although I have found a love for yoga within the past couple years, I haven't gotten back into it for some time since traveling and being away from home. This is why hearing about yoga fest was such exciting news ! The Atlantic Alliance of Uttar Bharat have invited us to come and learn about Uttar Bharat culture while hosting a day of Yoga. There will be different benefits found in each class (which are all free entry), ranging from meditation, deep relaxation, revitalizing energy, and more! This event has workshops and classes for everyone, and even better the tickets are free!!
If you are feeling inspired to practice some yoga at home, click here for some fun beginner poses to try out!
This event is going to be the best way to kickstart my yoga filled summer, and hopefully yours too. :)
Goodbye future yogi’s ;)