
For the most flexible ride, get a hop-on-hop-off pass. Because our route runs the same schedule every day, this option will let you hop-off for a night (or more) anywhere along our path, and catch up with us on another day to make your way back to Halifax.

  • * Pick up and drop off anywhere on the Halifax Peninsula.

    * Get to know Nova Scotia like a local.

    * Stay the night in one or more of our small towns.

    * Visit Nova Scotia on your own schedule

    * See two of Nova Scotia's 4 coasts!

    * Our enthusiastic guide to teach you along the way.

    * Comfortable Air Conditioned Van

    * No need to rent a car!

  • This one is up to you! As long as it is on our regular route, you can get off and spend the night anywhere we pass by on the route.

  • 1-hop-off


    4-day pass


    7-day pass
